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Mon-Thu 4:00 pm - 9:30 pm Fri 4:00 pm - 7:30 pm Sat 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Sun - Closed 1 (813) 643-5332 (5DDC)

Macey DeFreitas

Instructor / Contemporary

Macey has been training for the past 20 years and teaching for the past 6. She graduated from 5th Dimension training competitively in contemporary, ballet, hip hop, tap, jazz, modern, and technique.

Since graduating in 2018 Macey has specifically focused on contemporary where her love of choreographing and teaching started. She has had the opportunity to teach at studios across Florida where she has pursued her love of choreographing with all age levels.

Since competitively choreographing she has won many overalls and choreography awards. During high school she trained as an apprentice with Tampa Modern Dance Company where she was able work alongside other dancers and learn from other choreographers. Currently, Macey continues her training as she choreographs and teaches in Florida.

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